Sunday, February 23, 2020

Multiple Questions on History Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Multiple Questions on History - Essay Example On the example of FARC it is clearly seen that this theory works. The group of people was gathered in order to protect the interests of oppressed people in the rural areas of Columbia. Another peculiarity of Focoist theory is that it was initially invented for developing countries. Thus, when Che Guevara’s theory is criticized, it may be argued that it is initially â€Å"Guerrilla War†. Revolutionary war in China has its specific laws as well. Mao Zedong has suggested strategies of revolutionary war in his well-known essays 'On Practice' and 'On Contradiction' (1937). Zedong makes an emphasis on revolutionary upheaval, which is based not on instantaneous protests, but is also confirmed by deep knowledge and profound historical experience of a nation. Maoism has guerilla roots as well. Still, unlike Che Guevara, Zedong makes an emphasis on the necessity of a proper education of a nation with regards to revolutionary issues. Question 2Atomic weapon influence on military t heory after WWII Thesis: A creation of atomic weapon after WWII signified an international pace for strategic preparation against hostile moods of the world. Atomic weapon was a serious intimidating factor uprising those countries, which owned it and diminished power of countries, which did not have it. An inevitable development of atomic weapon was propagated by its supporters and developers, such as Lawrence, Alvarez, Teller and others. They claimed that it was wise for the United States to protect their nation against intimidating factors of potential hazards caused by atomic weapon. Nevertheless, the fact that  Atomic Energy Commission forbade development of atomic weapon for America may be explained by two main reasons: a lack of technology development in this field : â€Å"Oppenheimer believed that the atomic forces of the United States would be more effective if they consisted of many large fission weapons (of which multiple bombs could be dropped on the same targets) rath er than the large and unwieldy predictions of massive super bombs, for which there were a relatively limited amounts of targets of the size to warrant such a development† (History of nuclear weapons, 2011). Consequently, it is evident that a significant shift happened in military theory. After WWII atomic weapon was mentioned as a powerful tool regulating diplomatic policies and controlling over them in the post war period. Question 3 Evolution of US military approaches in Vietnam Thesis: from thousands of hostile attacks to diplomatic negotiations, - these were limits of American political strategy in the war of Vietnam. In order to support policies of the South’s government, America sent in 1963 6,000 of forces to South Vietnam. Starting from 1965, Johnson triggered the war, bombing North Vietnam and these attacks mounted up to in 1968. During times of Nixon, starting from 1968 policies of Vietnamization was promoted. America made an attempt to destroy Communism in Vi etnam in 1970. There is a gradual evolution of military policies in Vietnam: from hostile moods to diplomatic agreements. For the American history this war was the longest one. In the result of war in Vietnam 2 mln lives were gone and 60,000 deaths among Americans emerged. South Vietnamese should be protected by the American government from totalitarian regime. Moreover, it should be noted that this lesson of war

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Low Production and High Unemployment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Low Production and High Unemployment - Essay Example A change in either the demand or the supply will cause a similar shift of the other. However, for an economy to experience sustained economic growth and equilibrium, it must step up its factors of production such as labour, capital, and land. Several economic indicators depict the state of an economy and the stage (Frenkel, Razin 29). The Growth Domestic Product (GDP) is a total market value of goods, and services produced and consumed, investments, minus government spending plus the exports minus the imports. A GDP of a country depicts what is happening now in an economy. Rises in the GDP depicting a rise in the economy while a drop in the GDP depicting a recession. In this scenario, country A has a RGDP, which means that its GDP has fallen. Its economy has shrunk, by the amount of the GDP drop. A Second indicator of an economy is the rate of unemployment that describes an economy after it happens. An increase in the rate of unemployment depicts a lagging economy. A country is said to be in a long run economic equilibrium when no firm in the industry wants to leave or enter the market. In this state, no existing firms make losses and those entering the market make losses. Every firm produces at the efficient cost of production and the maximum profit they can make is zero. This means that price is equivalent to average cost of production (Osborne Web). ... In country A, high levels of unemployment depict a recession. Country A is not in an equilibrium state, meaning that it has to undertake some fiscal and monetary policies to take it to this level. A fiscal policy is a tool used by the branches of government via either spending or taxes to attain a desired change. It is an act done with a conscious mind and geared towards effectiveness and efficiency. For country A that is in a recessionary period, imposing taxes will make the situation worse. Therefore, first, country A will have to increase government spending in the areas it deems fit. This king of fiscal policy is called expansionary that increases the government spending and decreases the taxes. This will increase the government budget deficit to increase and lead the country to a long-run equilibrium. According to Keynes, a government can achieve a real GDP every year through market mechanisms where it influences prices and wages, which they assume to be flexible. They believed that in a recessional economy one should not wait for the prices to go down but instead an expansionary fiscal policy can be used. The government should ensure that its spending is higher than the current tax receipts. This way the level of unemployment will fall as the unemployed persons get to work in the government projects increasing their purchasing power. Secondly, the government can engage in purchasing of bonds to release more fund to the corporate and to individuals. As people gain purchasing power, they will invest in various categories of businesses or even purchase goods increasing demand. Price levels will go up, employment levels going up and eventually raise the RGDP. Thirdly, to achieve a long run